If you’ve ever asked yourself any of the questions below, you’re in the right place.
- Am I truly paying the best price for waste services?
- Can I save money with a better recycling program?
- Why are there so many fees on my waste and recycling invoices?
- Why does it seem like my prices and fees are constantly going up?
- Can I change haulers?
- Can I get out of my Contract?

Waste Service Solutions (WSS) is Saving Companies like yours anywhere from 20%-85% in Waste Costs. Imagine saving Hundreds even Thousands on your waste invoices every month. It is possible!
WSS was founded on the principle of keeping you protected from high priced haulers, aggressive price increases, add-on fees, un-optimized services and hauler favored contracts. We will help guide you through the frustration and help you take back control of your invoices, operations and agreements. With more than 15 years of experience and professional expertise we will help you to overcome the complexity, cost and sheer squander associated with your current situation.
I’m happy to recommend the services of Mr. Randy Johansen and Waste Service Solutions!
“We became acquainted with the owner of Waste Service Solutions, Randy Johansen when he was affiliated with Waste Management as our account representative. It was because of that business relationship and Mr. Johansen’s principles and professionalism that when he contacted us about the services his new company could provide we were immediately interested."
"We engaged the services of Waste Service Solutions to check on our current trash and recycling service and let us know if we were getting the best service for our money. Mr. Johansen came back with several options, all of which gave us substantial savings. We chose the best solutions and have been very satisfied with the choice we made with Mr. Johansen’s help."
Mari Khoury, MBA, LCAM - Community Association Manager
WSS will SAVE you TIME and MONEY! With our knowledge and insider experience we will fast track your success giving you PEACE OF MIND and CONFIDENCE knowing that you have the most optimized and cost efficient waste and recycling services for your business. Our systems and programs are proven to work time and time again. If we can’t save you money, then we don’t want you as a client.
We will help you SLASH the profits that your hauler has been overcharging for years and put them back into your bottom line operational budget. You can use these savings for that project you’ve been putting off or possibly even hire more help! We will help you win in the Waste Game for as long as you’re in business.
Why Waste Service Solutions?
My name is Randy Johansen and I am the Founder and President of Waste Service Solutions and your waste savings insider. Working for the largest waste hauling company in North America for over 10 years, my marching orders were to get clients to sign new long term contracts that weren’t in their favor while increasing profit margins and adding on fees for the company. I watched the company aggressively increase rates and fees a few times per year on customers during the economic meltdown in 2007 and 2008. With many sleepless nights and finding my morals and ethics in question, I finally left the company in 2011.
With a heavy heart I pursued another venture and challenge in the corporate world. This company taught me how to build a business from scratch and market myself and our new product with the local area. After 2 years of some success as well as some failures I found myself at another crossroads.
With my wife and 2 children at home depending mostly on my income I made the toughest decision of my life. I left the corporate world entirely and started from scratch leaving my corporate salary, commissions and cushy benefits. I began my mission to help educate and save money for as many companies as possible that are being overcharged and taken advantage of in their waste and recycling operations. It was time to put the knowledge, power and money back into your hands!
Learn how you too can join the movement to substantially reduce your waste costs and achieve sustainable solutions. Become a Waste Savings Hero and help your Company become a Waste Savings Champion!